Blog 3 - Home
To me home is much more than the place that I live. Home has more to do with where your heart wants to be which is a cliche but cliches exist for a reason. When I think of home, two places come to mind: my childhood home, and my current home. Currently, I live on campus and yet the place I would currently consider home is not campus, it would be where my family lives, where I have lived for the past five years. Aside from being better living conditions than on campus, there exists somewhat of a warmth to the place, as if I am looking at it through rose colored glasses. I believe this stems from the fact that my family lives there and I enjoy many memories with them, memories that are tied to that place . The second place I consider home, my childhood home, I believe is the same. Despite not living there anymore, I still have many fond memories of that place, so much so that in my dreams I actually gravitate towards that as my home rather than where I currently ...